- Recognize that IV drug users are at higher risk for contracting HIV.
Continue the health history after you have donned gloves, goggles, and a gown to protect yourself. - Recognize that IV drug users are at higher risk for contracting HIV.
Obtain an order from the physician to test for HIV. - Recognize that IV drug users are at higher risk for contracting HIV.
Educate the patient on HIV transmission through sharing IV needles and ask the patient if he would like to be tested.
As a nurse, you recognize that IV drug users are at a higher risk for contracting HIV. Combined with a thorough health history including engagement in risky behaviors will inform you as to whether or not to refer the patient for HIV testing. Avoid stigmatization by assuming that everyone from a high risk population needs to be tested for HIV.
PPEs are usually not necessary during a health history interview. Over-protection may contribute to stigmatization of people living with HIV/AIDS by health care professionals. Consent is also necessary in order to refer a patient for HIV testing.
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